Galliam Tinto

Top Rated Advisor in Francophone Africa Providing support in living a fully spiritual and professional life 

30 mins free consultation


years experience


Happy Clients to serve


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value to create

About me - Galliam Tinto

12 years of experience with 04 lives in between

No long enough, my life was a total mess! Everything was going upside down, I was lost in my job, with a failing marriage, totally ghosted by my closest friends, and had a beef with my family, even my grandma, the one who raised me . I was lost and GOD was totally absent of my life. Then I met Jesus Christ! My best professional encounter. He restored me, lifted me up, and transformed me into a way better person. 

If you are also lost in your life and feeling the burning desire to reconnect with God, let's have a quick call shall we? 

Get 30 mins free consultation

Lifetime experiences

Everything you are going to learn is not about books or fuming theories. We teach experiences. God has allowed me to be a very messing around person! You will learn from the biggest life opportunities spoiler so you don't mess up like me. 

Professional experiences

You will also be blessed to work with an advisor who is well-known in the management expertise field. You will access years and years of corporate, startup, and firms experience as a Lead and Executive. 

90% Real Life Cases 

If you have to be advised, would you rather prefer someone who knows or someone who does? Well I think the choice is easy. 

My Expertise

Practice Areas I Cover

From all this experiences, here are the areas I promise to be there for you

Professionnal career 

Together, let's give your career the boost it needed 

Personnal growth

Know yourself first, the most important law of growth

Spiritual growth

Together, we will get back on the path of devotion and spiritual balance

Corporate mentoring

As an entrepreuneur, i will help you get through the madness of entrepreneurship 


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Request A Quote For Free Consultancy

If you fel the need to be heard, I will be riht there for you


+225 0714514394



Cocody, Abidjan, 

Côte d'Ivoire

Open Hour:

Mon-Fri: 9.00-17.00

2024 Galliam Tinto. All Right Reserved.